September 4, 2015

The best shampoo to use for scalp psoriasis

I have had psoriasis since I was in my Tweens. It is a autoimmune disease that is often hereditary.  Basically, the body goes on hyperdrive and produces skin cells at a much higher rate than normal. Instead of every 28+ days, psoriasis sufferers produce cells every 6+ days. As a result the dead skin cells build up very quickly into these white, thick patches that can be unsightly and itchy.

These patches can appear almost anywhere. I have small spots and patches on a few places on my body, like my left elbow, but my biggest area is on the back of my scalp. Anyone who gets to know me will notice that I subconsciously scratch my head because it is often extremely itchy. It truly can drive you crazy from time to time. And when I scratch, small flakes of skin fall off and collect on the top of my shoulders. Luckily, my closest pals will whisper to me to give it a good swipe from time to time.

There are so many "options" for scalp psoriasis sufferers out there and believe me, I have tried them all. And, for the most part they generally are worse than just leaving it alone. I have fine, "blond" (aka dyed) hair so using tar shampoo darkens the hair that I am spending tons of money on to lighten. Can I get a hashtag Fail. The other topical creams, potions and lotions just seem to make my hair greasy or clumpy and my vanity prevents me from using them. So, I went years just using regular shampoo and struggling with the flaking and itching.

And then everything changed. Enter Sebamed Everyday Shampoo.

Sebamed is a German company that focuses on developing non-soap products that maintain the ideal pH level of 5.5. The result is healthier and less dehydrated skin.

I used it for about a month a really thought it had made a huge difference, but I became sure when my hair stylist of 15 years told me she had never seen my scalp looking as good as it was. It was the confirmation that I needed to know that I would definitely repurchase.

If you have scalp psoriasis, I highly recommend Sebamed.  Come back and let me know if it worked for you too.



  1. Hello friends! If you are suffering from Psoriasis ,u can find quick response here. Psoriasis Shampoo.

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  2. I too have scalp psoriasis and have tried everything on the market have been to dermatologist I have three drawers full of prescription medications I tried Shiva mad and it's now my third treatment and my scalp just feels totally different I don't have sores on my scalp and I'm not inching thank you and I recommend this to everyone Helen from Long Island New York

  3. I too has Psoriasis problem. After using scalp psoriasis shampoo, I have recovered from this problem. Thank you author for this splendid information.It helped me a lot.

  4. Thanks for sharing the best and useful information on this Psoriasis problem. You made a good site and giving us such a great suggestions regarding scalp shampoo for psoriasis.I am impressed with your site.

  5. Hi Friend
    If you are suffering from scalp psoriasis, then please use scalp psoriasis shampoo to get relief

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  9. Yes.. Such a nice post. It is really informative. Verdura anti scaling scalp psoriasis shampoo indicated for scalp psoriasis and dandruff. Effective scalp psoriasis shampoo fortified with dual anti-dandruff agents


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